TwinNeedle - This month's featured supplier
With a combined 40+ years experience in the outdoor repair and manufacturing industry. TwinNeedle is New Zealand owned and operated. TwinNeedle started in 2008 concentrating on repairing and customising outdoor gear. After years of fixing people’s problems we decided to start making our own gear. With knowledge of what works and what doesn’t, we developed our own line of outdoor gear. Every piece of gear we produce is field tested by the country’s leading guides, hunters, military and police personnel in the environments they are designed for.
The core focus of our business still lies in repairs and customising gear. Most repairs cost a small fraction of what a new piece of clothing or equipment does. Why buy new when all your trusty bit of kit needs is a small repair. Keeping your outdoor gear functioning even for one more trip keeps it out of the landfill.
Or if you have your heart set on a new bit of gear, get your old kit repaired and rejuvenated and re-sell so someone else can get use out of it. One of our mantra’s at TwinNeedle is “repair not replace”.
We are passionate about outdoor equipment and what we can do for you. Drop in, call or e-mail us, we love to yarn about gear and the outdoors. Information and advice on repairs, cleaning, sizing, fitting and customisations is freely given.
TwinNeedle – Made & Repaired in New Zealand.